
Thursday, November 15, 2007

Himesh is in Kenya

For those who are curious, here is how he looks like without his famous cap on .....

The biggest Bollywood star is in Kenya, dude had a saga sometime mid this year when he thought he could dress up in a Burqa - it's like a buibui - and go to a temple to ask for blessings. unfortunatley his fans recognised him from a far and swamped him, the authorities came to his rescue and saved his pretty behind. Some religious guys (the big shots) were not very happy about the whole, Rockstar dressed in a buibui - it is a religious dress - and going to a mosque for that matter...any ho
Here is what he looked like in the buibui

Cute ha!
He will be performing at the Nairobi Gymkhana Ground on Friday. Jienjoy...

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Sexiest Man On Earth

He is the sexiest man right now, you dig?

Matt Damon is the sexiest man , love it hate it he is...

My top ten list

This is my first post and i will begin by reintroducing my self, more like revealing more about myself. Here we go, this are my top ten likes ...

  1. Weezy F Baby: allow me to vent firt, how can they release a top whatever list of hot hunks and not include this maestro?
    can't the whole world see that he is a hot suggar just waiting to be licked?
    anyho, just so you know Matt Damon is the sexiest mans for 2008 he was bourne to be.

  2. Romantic utopic novels

  3. Tabloids, gossip machines and

  4. Rock music and kenyan rock fanatics, the only artistes they brag about knowing are Linkin Park and Maroon Five, it is sickening... but i love it

  5. Britney Spears she is taking all the air time i deserve she is a diva evene when she is headed for the dumps, that goes for amy Winehouse too

  6. Beauty queens cat fights

  7. Celebrities behaving badly

  8. A good gosip piece that has everyone talking

  9. Wannabees who think that no one knows that we know they are wannabes

  10. A good evening of nonstop TV