
Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Tusker Project Fame II: Meet the Ugandans

Esther Nabaasa Mugizi
21 year old is currently a student of Makerere University where she is undertaking a degree in Telecommunication Engineering. She holds Bob Marley in high regard.

Naava Asha Zziwa
Naava considers herself a Tom-boy of sorts. A resident of Kampala, the 25 year old was in the process of setting up a computer bureau and joining campus when Tusker project Fame came calling.
A huge fan of RnB and soul, this is Zziwa’s first shot in music and it has already landed her to stardom! When her ears are not plugged to the earphone, she likes hanging out, theatre comedy, cooking and adventure.

Steven Oundo
Stephen Oundo likes listening to instrumental jazz, swimming, playing, cracking jokes with friends, and writing songs. His encounter with a guitar and eventually music started when he was seven when his late father left him a guitar and since then, he has never looked back. He holds a Bachelors degree in development studies.

Jacob Nsaali
A business man with a flair for music, the 27 year old was born in Namirembe, Kampala and later attended Bugema University where he graduated with a Bachelors of Business Administration.
Currently, he teaches computer packages and computer repair and maintenance at his Mulungi Business Centre, from which he has taken a break to give Tusker Project Fame a try. Apart from basketball, he likes writing songs, singing, playing tennis soccer and making friends.

Arthur Kiwala
25 year old Arthur reckons he is already famous. Now he wants to be superstar. He is a TV presenter at Uganda Broadcasting Corporation (UBC) where he hosts a gospel musical programme soul touch. Apart from his musical activities, the former student of Kyambogo College also who loves nature trail and singing.

This friday

Meet the Kenyan idols

If you watched last Wednesday or Friday show on Idols, then you can almost guess whom the finalist are. The first round contestants are; Antony Mwangi, Priscilla Mmbone, Victoria Njeri Mutheki, Maureen Peris Atieno and Kariuki Gathiu who got themselves all the highly prized Golden Tickets putting them through to this round. Others in that worked their throats to this enviable position are Wangui Kanyotu, Irenne Njuguna, Jackson Irungu, Mukuni Mulundika, Doris Onyago, Patricia Kihoro and Christine Adda. The contestants will from this week come face to face with the Judges Angela, Scar and T.K who will separate real talent from wannabes! Witness the judges writhe in pain as their ears get subjected to the harangues as well as the comedy all in search of superstardom.
The contestants will be put together which means you will watch participants go through a repertoire of songs to show their talent. Catch every tear of joy, drama and excitement that typifies the road to stardom sponsored by Celtel. The show will today on KTN at 7:35 pm, Fridays on KBC at 7:35 pm and on M-Net’s Channel 198.

Keep it here for more on the contestants and the pictures!

Still developing...

Sellah did not make it

It’s a white man’s country out there. The winner was Miss Peru, Silvia Cornejo taking the crown home. The first runners up position was taken by Miss China, Tong He and Miss Canada, Sahar Biniaz was a second runner up. However, Sellah Bogonko managed to bag the first runners up position in the African Category where Miss Ghana, Nana Yaa was the overall winner.

Nyambane in china

Can you decipher this?

You are not suposed to know this...

But what the heck...

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

If you love Neyo...

This one is especially for you!
This is a behind the scene shot of his latest music video...Closer.
Don't you just love his hat wearing antics?

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Another milestone or just plain craziness?

A man who was once a woman is preggers. Let me start this again.

Thomas Beatie, a former woman who is now a pregnant man, defended his decision to have a baby, saying he has a “right to have a biological child.” Despite removing his breasts, growing a wispy beard and legally having his gender changed from female to male, Beatie, 34, kept his female sex organs intact because he hoped to have a child some day. After years of struggling with his sexual identity and deciding to live as a man, he did the most womanly thing possible — he became pregnant.

Weird doesn’t even begin to describe this scenario…

Some evening funny….

Found in a Kisummm City restaurants menu:
Otel Bunde Kamnara Menu

Chapat mwoto......................10/-
Mandas mwoto....................5/-
Chae okombe moja..............7/-
Sukwos (Squash) Bila suga...............5/-
Sukwos naongeswa Suga.....7/-
Njugu Bila Ngos.................10/-
Ugali ya Bel (brown)............5/-
Smak (samaki) chemsa............15/-
Nyama abula (rost)............20/-

Warning : Vistas suld not get in without peksen (inspection) wewe tatwangwa na nyundo.

See why I miss Em Ohh One (MOI)?

This is the best Forward i have ever recieved.
savour it.....

To say that by mid 2002 I had grown tired of Moi would be an understatement; the truth is that I wanted him nowhere near power. Infact I even wanted him out of Nairobi and completely out of our lives. I concurred with those who asked him to pitch camp at Kabartonjo and look after goats.
Now I know better
With the benefit of hindsight I can now give credence to the saying "you never know the value of something until you lose it". That I would even be mentioning Moi's name years after I angrily voted him out baffles me.
But I have made up my mind – I wont suffer in silence, I must speak up,
I must confess - I miss Moi.

I bet you really must be wondering why I would be so passionate about a man, who only a few years ago we all loved to hate.

This is why

· First, he handed over power to NARC peacefully and without a fuss. Now I know that it takes a real man to lose honourably

· Moi was always in the spotlight. Simply put he was all over the place. He went anywhere and everywhere, commenting on anything and everything. But, at least we were always sure of who was running the country. I woke up everyday knowing who was really in charge and went to bed every evening not doubting as to who exactly was steering the country forward.

· It is now that am realizing that he did infact have a lean government. Back then I was blind to this fact and we kept on criticizing his cabinet of 26 as being too large. Now we are contemplating 44

· There was no RIFTY VALLEY MAFIA then.

· It is now that am realizing that Moi's government had no sacred cows. Apart from Moi himself nobody else was above the law. In 1991 even Moi's ally – THE TOTAL MAN was arrested and sent to jail. (akala mahindi na maharagwe mabichi). Just like a father , all children were equal – and any mistake was punishable.

· It is said that "power corrupts and that absolute power corrupts absolutely". Moi had a firm grip on his family so that none got drunk with power, none of his family members went on the rampage slapping and terrorizing citizens. He also never referred to fellow citizens as 'mavi ya kuku' or as 'kubaff'.

· Moi led for 24 years until we took peace for granted. There was no single month in which 1500 Kenyans lost their lives – we could only see this on TV. No wonder others mistook the recent tribulations for Rambo movies.

· Moi was indeed a great man. A man whose word at least meant something. A man who kept and honoured promises and gentlemen's agreements. A good example is the IPPG deal when Moi assured the opposition that they would also get a chance to select ECK commissioners. Moi honoured this promise. Others have to be pinned down into signing binding documents so as to be compelled to keep their word – and even then they keep applying delay tactics.

· During his reign, there was no single day when the heavily armed military was unleashed on rioting citizens armed with only stones and whips.

· Its also now that am realizing that Moi was indeed the peoples president. He spent the better part of his time coming up with projects that benefited the common man eg the Jua Kali sector, HELB, the NYS etc. He even personally helped build gabions to fight mumomonyoko wa udongo. Kenya even attempted to make a car – the Nyayo Pioneer. But now we are bombarded with concepts which the common man cant comprehend eg the dialectics of the stock market, the lowering of importation tariffs etc etc
· Moi was always campaigning – he never operated from an ivory tower. He always popularized himself in Kakamega, Kwale, Kacheliba, Westlands, Nyatike, Butula ete etc. KANU was baba na mama at all times. He never waited until an election was 2 months away so as to form a party. He knew that you cant stay mum for 4years 8months and the out of the bleus form a new party, campaign for 2 months and then win. He knew that 2 months of campaigning would never deliver statehouse – not in Kenya .

You see why I miss Moi ?

If only God could bring him back

If only Kenyans could get him back in 2012