
Friday, July 17, 2009


By Brenda Okoth

Four years ago when Miss World Kenya 2005, Cecilia Mwangi announced that her mission as a beauty queen was to fight jiggers, many of us thought her crazy.
However she didn’t let the snide remarks deter her from devoting her limelight-life to fighting a somewhat disregarded health menace that has afflicted Kenya’s poor families leaving them helpless and unproductive.
Anti-jigger campaign led by Cecilia Mwangi has once again been awarded with a Humanitarian Of The Year Award by Laico Regency. This makes it a total of Four awards received by the group in Four months.
The Cocktail was attended by the Public Health Minister Hon. Beth Mugo whose ministry was awarded with a Certificate of recognition for supporting the Campaign.
The Minister said that the Ministry has set aside 10 Million for fighting jiggers this year. She also asked members of Parliament to stop feeling embarrased and get involved as well channel some of the CDF cash towards the fifght.
Francis Atwoli sent his personal contribution of Ksh. 100,000 and urged Cecilia to continue with the campaign without fear.

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