
Sunday, August 9, 2009


A number of Kenyan acts inconjuction with Refuge (Restoring Forests for Future Generations), will hold a fundraising to support the re-education and planting of indigenous seedlings in the Mau Forest.
The function dubbed Unleash the ‘G’ Mavuno Eco-Festival will be held at the Mavuno Dome, Belle on Saturday August 22, from 2pm to 10pm.
This festival will provide a platform where Kenyan entertainers will address the national environmental crisis that has gripped the nation, starting with the restoration of the Mau Forest.
The event aims to replant more than 100 million indigenous seedlings and train 50,000 local farmers and school children on the value of reforestation over the next 14 years from the funds raised.
Charges will be Sh200 before 4pm and Sh300 thereafter.
Artistes expected to be performing include Eric Wainaina, Aaron Rimbui, Kanjii, Muthoni Ndonga and Afrizo (in their first local performance in years). The Jua Kali drummers, a world class musical troupe, who will be returning from a tour of Italy.
The evening event will be highlighted by an appearance by the National Sevens team and the raffle draw.
The day long Eco-Festival is organised by Dr. Mukuria Mwangi, founder of Refuge and cultural anthropologist.

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