
Monday, August 15, 2011


Hot Secret's Special Ops corespondent caught up with Kenyan rep in the just concluded Big Brother Amplified season, Millicent Mugadi and shot the one line questions at her. Here are Millicent's responses. Verbatim.

I’m good at…

Cooking and socializing.

I’m bad at…

Mind games. Puzzles and cross words are clearly not my thing.

The last book I enjoyed reading is…

Conversations with God by Kneid Donald Walch.

Most surprising thing that ever happened to me…

Being introduced to my brother for the first time after big brother. I haven’t met him yet but his wife (a journalist) approached me and told me that he had sent her to show me the pictures. I believed her because my father had many wives.

A common misconception about me…

That I’m a pretender. This is probably because I have very many personalities so people never get to know the real me.

My worst childhood fears were…

Worms. I still get scared when I see them to date.

My ideal night out is…

Having a nice meal and a few drinks with friends.

In another life I would have been…

A nurse.

If I were a politician I would…

Reduce salaries for all MPs and create policies that necessitate the leaders to support sporting activities.

The best age to be is…

28. At this age you are very sure of what you want and exactly how you want it.

The best part of my job is…

Making money. Isn’t it just obvious?

My greatest regret is…

Not paying attention in high school. I really do not understand what I was doing.

Living leader I admire…

Wangare Maathai and Martha Karua. They are very strong women.

My greatest possession is…

My body. It is my greatest asset.

My favorite author is…

Kneid Donald Walch. He is the best writer alive.

In greatest depth of misery I…

Cry. It makes me feel better.

If I was to die in five minutes my last words would be…

Everything I own should go to my grandmother.

Millicent is also an actress and an avid football supporter and player.


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