
Friday, September 4, 2009


Southern rapper Hurricane Chris caught heat from a political figure after performing his "Halle Berry" ode in front of the Louisiana Legislature in June.
The New Orleans representative Austin Badon said, "The words they were using in the song were just extremely derogatory, they were foul," he said in an interview. "They were curse words, using the 'N' word. It was just a derogatory song. I have no idea [what the lyrics mean]."
Prior to performing for the legislature, Chris talked about why he made the song.
"I thought about one of the most beautiful women in the world today," he told the officials. "And I said Halle Berry, you know a lot of women look at her and say 'I wanna be beautiful like Halle Berry,' but you know, we got a lot of different types of women. Different colors, shapes and sizes. I just wanted to let 'em know that it didn't matter what you look like, if you feel like you Halle Berry and got your comfort high, that's what it is."

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