
Friday, September 4, 2009


Kwani? Allow me to ask. Everytime there is a Caucasian hero or heroine, they are off to save the ignorant Africans.
Case in point.
Will Raee a Hollywood film director says his next film will be about Uganda’s notorious rebels and how they kidnapped more than 100 convent schoolgirls. Raee told the BBC that Girl Soldier will star Uma Thurman as the heroine nun who pursues the rebels into the bush and helps some girls escape.
“The film is incredibly fictionalised in certain areas,” Raee told the BBC’s Network Africa programme. LRA rebels often mutilate their victims, cutting off lips, ears and noses.
“We’re basically telling the story of girls who were abducted and forced into slavery and forced into fighting a rebel war they didn’t want to be a part of. I want people to watch this and feel that they’re watching a documentary in a sense, so we’re really trying to keep this as authentic as possible,” he said.

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