
Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Who moved Dr. Spencer Johnson’s cheese? What is Victoria’s secret? Who bit the mac apple? Where is the real Makmende? What has he been up to? What is going to happen to his clones, impostors and impersonators? Where can you get that famous red headband? Can the real Makmende talk back?
The real Makmende answers all of your questions during his first ever public Baraza to be held on November 3. Internet users will be able to enjoy a free ‘happy hour’ at ten cyber cafes across Nairobi on Wednesday 3, November during Google’s first ever public Baraza. Participating cafes include:
Easy Surf, Westlands, Sarit Center, 2nd Floor
Ricom Cyber, CBD, 20th Century Cinema, 1st Floor
Speed Wave Cyber, CBD, Moi Avenue, World Business Center, 3rd Floor
Internet Surfpoint, Moi Avenue, Kenya Cinema Plaza, 2nd Floor
Loungenet Cyber, Mama Ngina street, Norwich Union Building, 7th Floor
Prism Cyber, Tomboya/Ronald Ngala Junction, Interfina House, 2nd Floor
Sip n Surg, Karen Shopping Center, Next to Shell petrol station, Ground Floor
Dolce Cyber, Buruburu Estate, Next to Uchumi Buruburu, 2nd Floor
Synergy Cyber, Ronald Ngalam, next to Tuskys, Midtown Building, Accra road, 1st Floor
Easy Surf, Yaya Center, 2nd Floor
The baraza will be free.
*Swahili Wednesday (#swawed) is the new craze among Kenyans on twitter in their attempt to promote use of the National language on social network platforms.

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