
Friday, September 4, 2009


I tell you my people, ooo, it is not a slow news day, now. This did indeed happen.
Rapper Jay Z’s Off That track featuring Drake refers to Beyonce as a “HO”.
He raps: “I’m just a runway show, but I wear this on my plane - these my runway clothes, Cashmere sweats - they come out next year, but these [are] my last year sweats, and my ho’s so sick, your new chick can’t f*ck with my old b*tch, and you know this sh*t, I’m professional - you know this is. I just may let you borrow this, this the Blueprint n*gga follow this.”
The song is actually tight. Not because Jay has the balls to call Bey ‘a ho’ but coz the hook is super catchy.


Singer Harry Kimani will open up and talk about his on-off-on-again-then-off-again days as a drug addict in a yet to be released docu-drama.
The shooting for the NACADA (National Campaign Against Drug Abuse) sponsored docu-drama titled Recovery Room, is at the editing phase.
Shot by Sinema Sisi Productions and directed by Betty Kathungu-Furet, it portrays Harry’s struggles to remain sober throughout his music career.
To give it an authentic feeling, Betty included real life interviews with him and Peter Mugane, his roommate during his stay at the Karen Treatment rehabilitation centre in Gilgil.
Other people who have already been interviewed include Victor Seii, who is Harry’s Manager, friend and current producer, entertainment writer Smitta, singer Debbie Asila, Makadem, rapper Abbas Kubaff, Kanda King and actress Jackie Nyaminde (Wilbroda) among others.
Professional advice is also given by Dr Gakunju, who is an addiction counsellor.


In what could be totally be laughable news, little known Tanzanian singer Besta has denied reports that singer Marlaw is the father of her unborn child.
See, the thing is Besta whose known single is Baby Boy is not even preggies.
Anyho, she dignified the rumour by commenting on it.
Besta said, “I’m not pregnant! I’m shocked at the reports that have spread. Marlaw is my neighbour and a good friend and that is all.”
Besta added that Marlaw has a girlfriend and she has a boyfriend too, ‘people should get that right.’


Southern rapper Hurricane Chris caught heat from a political figure after performing his "Halle Berry" ode in front of the Louisiana Legislature in June.
The New Orleans representative Austin Badon said, "The words they were using in the song were just extremely derogatory, they were foul," he said in an interview. "They were curse words, using the 'N' word. It was just a derogatory song. I have no idea [what the lyrics mean]."
Prior to performing for the legislature, Chris talked about why he made the song.
"I thought about one of the most beautiful women in the world today," he told the officials. "And I said Halle Berry, you know a lot of women look at her and say 'I wanna be beautiful like Halle Berry,' but you know, we got a lot of different types of women. Different colors, shapes and sizes. I just wanted to let 'em know that it didn't matter what you look like, if you feel like you Halle Berry and got your comfort high, that's what it is."


Kwani? Allow me to ask. Everytime there is a Caucasian hero or heroine, they are off to save the ignorant Africans.
Case in point.
Will Raee a Hollywood film director says his next film will be about Uganda’s notorious rebels and how they kidnapped more than 100 convent schoolgirls. Raee told the BBC that Girl Soldier will star Uma Thurman as the heroine nun who pursues the rebels into the bush and helps some girls escape.
“The film is incredibly fictionalised in certain areas,” Raee told the BBC’s Network Africa programme. LRA rebels often mutilate their victims, cutting off lips, ears and noses.
“We’re basically telling the story of girls who were abducted and forced into slavery and forced into fighting a rebel war they didn’t want to be a part of. I want people to watch this and feel that they’re watching a documentary in a sense, so we’re really trying to keep this as authentic as possible,” he said.


Filmmaker Wanuri Kahiu has just completed shooting Kenya’s first ever science fiction movie. The film, Pumzi (Air) was shot in South Africa. It is a futuristic short film about Kenya at a time when water is a scarce resource and everyone lives inside The Maitu Community. The lead character, Asha, is the only one who dares to escape from the community because she believes there is life on the outside.
Wanuri said she worked with Inspired Minority Pictures the same production team that worked on the Sci-Fi movie District Nine currently showing in cinemas.
Africa and as such it looked like a logical choice. It’s a beautiful film as a result.”
Pumzi will be screened at the opening of the Kenya International Film Festival (KIFF) on October 21.


One very wise Rosario Castellanos was quoted saying: “We have to laugh. Because laughter, we already know, is the first evidence of freedom.”
Now, Kisumu-based Bigtyme Comedians took this ‘freedom’ to the Kodiaga Prison inmates in a show dubbed Prison Laughter on August 29.
They comedians Lawrence Oyange and Milton Obote also use the opportunity to plant trees in their bid to conserve the environment.
The two are the brains behind the mock voting exercise for US presidential candidates Barack Obama and John McCain in Kisumu last year. They have also been in the forefront promoting peace in the lakeside region among the youth after the 2008 post-poll violence.


Katherine Jackson and Joe Jackson

The pop singer Michael Jackson, who died in June at the age of 50, has been buried in the Forest Lawn cemetery in the Los Angeles suburb, Glendale, CNN reported on Friday 4.
The private memorial ceremony, with only immediate relatives and friends present, had 200 invited guests among them Elizabeth Taylor, actor Macaulay Culkin and music producer Quincy Jones, media reported. Jackson's relatives and friends delivered memorial speeches, which were not broadcasted by media in accordance with the Jackson family's request.
After the service, the coffin with Jackson's body was put into the Great Mausoleum, where the Hollywood stars Humphrey Bogart, Errol Flynn and Clark Gable are also buried.


Big Brother Africa’s Morris to star in Kenyan Ad?

Former Ugandan Big Brother contestant Morris Mugisha is reportedly in talks to star in an East African advertisement. Apparently Morris will shoot the said international ‘health campaign’ TV commercial in Nairobi soon, over a four day period.
Morris beat 128 models across Burundi, Rwanda, Kenya and Tanzania for the lead role. He will star alongside a yet to be named Burundian model.


Rapper Busta Rhymes will be live in Ghana on September 12 at the Accra International Conference Centre.
The Arab Money hitmaker will be joined on stage with Ghanaian a-list stars among them is Samini.
Busta will be among some of the international music stars that have performed in the country. The list includes Shaggy, Wycleff, Mario, Eve, Fat Joe, Jay Z, Akon, Ja Rule and others.

Fareed's Wedding on Studio 53

Studio 53 showcases yet another wedding of one of its presenters. This time, it is Fareed Khimani's traditional Indian wedding to Leah. After getting married in Switzerland, they came back home to organise a beautiful traditional wedding in Nairobi for all their Kenyan friends and family.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


American magazine Variety features the ongoing battle between Jitu Films and the Kenya Film Censorship Board (KFCB).
The piece titled “Movie ban can't quash Kenya's Jitu” by Christopher Vourlias, read:
“The often antagonistic relationship between government and the film community has been a thorn in the side of many Kenyan filmmakers. Local productions are forced to navigate an endless maze of red tape: fees to the censorship board, pre-approval of scripts from the Department of Film Services, battles with the Ministry of Information. The government, too, has been accused of double standards: While Otto: The Blood Bath was deemed too horrific for Kenyan audiences, pirated Western horror films are readily available on the streets of Nairobi.


Rapper Madtraxx is now a certified degree holder. The rapper graduated from United States International University (USIU) with a bachelor’s degree in Restaurant and Hotel Management last month.


The celebrity marriage between rappers Abbas Kubaff and Baby Gangsta is on the rocks. The couple has separated less than ten months after their November 14, 2008, vows.
The Angabanga rapper let out the news during the K-Nel Kenyawood Tour Concert at the Carnivore on Saturday.
When asked where Baby Gangsta was, he said: "We are not together anymore, these things happen."
This cames after the couple exchanged vows twice. the first time was in a conventional garden wedding in Karen and later for their fans at KICC. The second nuptials were carried out at the Ghetto Radio’s Serious Request. Here, the stations presenters stayed in a glasshouse at KICC and went without food for six days to raise awareness and funds for the IDPs.

Photos/ Wanjiku Thuku


Ugandan rapper Navio who was in Kenya a week a go. He meet a number of Kenyan acts and formed an opinion. The Rukus rapper interacted with Kenyan celebs at the MTV Africa Music Awards (MAMA) Nominees party last month.
Navio said, “From the way I see it, they are quite pretentious especially in front of the camera, they smile with each other but behind the scenes they are enemies. For instance at the MTV nominee party some random artiste just walked up to me and started to talk about his Lamborghini for about 10 minutes. That is when it hit me; they will go to extreme measures to get noticed. They are mostly in this music industry for the fame not for the love of music. This is very sad and shouldn’t be the case.”
Navio who is also part of the rap group Klear Kut was promoting his solo debut album Half The Legend during his stay in Kenya.


The list of the three judges for the largest dance show slated for September 12 is as follows Simon Dibley, Dwayne Nosworthy and Lizzie Gough.
The confirmed judges who are scheduled to arrive in the country on September 11.
Simon is the head judge at this year’s Malta Guinness Street Dance Africa International Final and last year was a judge at the Malta Guinness Street Dance Pan-African.

Simon is the Chief Executive Officer of the United Dance Organisation (UDO). The UDO is becoming the world’s largest international street dance organisation that offers international street dance events to both competitors and fans. Founded in the UK, the organisation is setting a standard in street dancing.
Simon is passionate about street dance due to its emphasis on teamwork, creativity, self-expression, confidence and self-respect.
While Dwayne is an experienced dancer, judge and choreographer and has worked on TV dance shows such as the popular Britain’s Got Talent and X Factor. Working with music stars such as Alesha Dixon, Estelle, Usher and Westlife. Dwayne has been fundamental in creating dance routines that get noticed. Dwayne has also choreographed the famous MOBO Awards.
Not just a choreographer but as a talented dancer in his own right, Dwayne has also danced alongside the world famous Black Eye Peas and the superstar Mariah Carey.
And Finally, Lizzie a professional dancer with a range of experience that only a budding young dancer can hope to achieve. Boasting special moves such as breakdance, freestyle and the all important locking and popping, Lizzie brings a wealth of street dance experience to the judging panel.
Lizzie’s training includes three years at the Laine Theatre Arts School and two years as a Rudeye Troupe and Pineapple Dance Troupe.
Her media, television, live performances and trade show experience makers Lizzie a perfect judge – she will definitely know what pressure the crews will be under! Music videos, adverts and music tours are not a new thing to Lizzie, as she has danced with the likes of the world famous band Take That’, pop band McFly, Britain’s Got Talent street Dancer George Sampson and singing sensation Katie Melua.
Lizzie’s moves have also appeared in iconic adverts such as the T-Mobile advert ‘Life is for Sharing’, MTV’s own ads and various viral commercials.


Jamroo Entertainment Ltd will host Jamaican singer Wyndel Edwards aka Gyptian backed by Mafia& Fluxy Band based at the United Kingdom from September 30 to 11 October 09.
The dual is set to perform on October 2 and 3 at Nairobi ASK DS Club International, the third shw will be in Meru town on October 4 and on Moi Day, October 10 Gyptian will have the final show which will be an electrifying reggae beach party at Mombasa.
For the first time, Jamroo Entertainment shall host a three-day reggae concert in December 2009 bringing together over ten Europe, Jamaica and Africa artists. Jamroo executives are in negotiations with the following Jamaican artists: Anthony B, Determine, Bennie man, Teflon, I-Octane and House of Reggae band Australia. Kenyan fans have requested for Queen IfriKa and pop singer Neon.