
Friday, September 17, 2010


Peter Mutie CEO, Kenya Film Commision, Mwaniki Mageria Kalasha Board of Trustees Member, Shaffie Weru of Radio Africa

The nominees for the 2nd Kalasha Film & TV Awards were unveiled on Tuesday morning at the Crowne Plaza.
The awards scheduled for September 25 aim to celebrate cultural diversity through film and to recognize the role of film in economic sustainability by recognizing and motivating local producers towards quality film and TV productions.

Alex Mulwa the Marketing and Product Development Manager, Kenya Film Commission during the unveiling of the Kalasha Nominees 2010.

The event is organized by Kenya film Commission, whose mandate is to develop and promote the local film industry.
Some of the top personalities that have gotten many nods include Hawa Essuman’s Soul Boy, Citizen TV productions and actors like Kenneth Gichoya and Charles Bukeko (Papa Shirandula), Elizabeth Wanjiru Bageine and Peter Muriithi (Mother in Law) and Davis Mwabili (Inspekta Mwala) among others.

Carole Mandi member of the Kalasha Board of Trustees during the unveiling of the Kalasha Nominees 2010.

The voting process is threefold: The nomination Academy awarding 70%, the industry 20% and the public 10% totaling 100%. The public vote will be channeled through the official website

Here is the full list

1. Best Feature Film

• Mr. Love Doctor- SimbaVision Ltd.
• Ndoto za Elibidi- Nick Reding
• SelFish- Jitu Films
• Togetherness Supreme- Hot Sun Films

2. Best Short Film

• Pumzi
• Saida
• Soul Boy
• Shida

3. Best Local Language film

• Kibrit
• Mwanake Don’t Care

4. Best Documentary film

• Business of Violence
• A History of Film
• In My Genes
• Score for Sajsa

5. Best Lead actor

• Juma Williams- Ndoto za Elibidi
• Philip Karanja-Lumbasi
• Samson Odhiambo- Soul Boy
• Wilson Maina- Togetherness Supreme

6. Supporting actor

• Ainea Ojiambo- Mr. Love Doctor
• Alfred Calypso- Ndoto za Elibidi
• Geoffery Jefferson Ong’ongo- Togetherness Supreme
• Maqbul Muhammad- Weakness

7. Lead Actress

• Irene Wambui- Mwanake Don’t Care
• Leila Dayan Opou- Soul Boy
• Lucy Nyaga- Shida
• Trizah Kabue- Catching the Mirage

8. Supporting Actress

• Cindy Wanja- Never Ever
• Krysteen Savane- Soul Boy
• Irene Kariuki- Siri
• Ummul Rajab- Ndoto za Elibidi

9. Best Cinematography

• Andrew Mungai- Togetherness Supreme
• Willie Owusu- A Beautiful Journey
• Kirumburu Ng’ang’a- History of Film
• Peter Murimi and Fabian Muhire- Shida

10. Best Director

• Simiyu Barasa- History of Film
• Kamau wa Ndung’u and Nick Reding- Ndoto za Elibidi
• Wanuri Kahiu- Pumzi
• Ndungi Githuku- Score for Sajsa

11. Editing

• Alex Kamau- Score for Sajsa
• Carole Gikandi Omondi- Ndoto za Elibidi
• Kavila Matu- Shida
• Ng’ethe Gitungo- Soul Boy

12. Scriptwriter

• Billy Kahora- Soul boy
• Evans Kamau- Togetherness Supreme
• Simiyu Barasa- History of Film
• Wanuri Kahiu- Pumzi

1. Best TV Drama

• Changes
• Changing Times
• Siri
• The Team

2. Best Comedy

• Inspekta Mwala
• Mheshimiwa
• Papa Shirandula
• The XYZ Show

3. Best Actor in a TV Series

• Charles Bukeko- Papa Shirandula
• Gilbert Lukalia- Siri
• Godfrey Odhiambo- Changes
• Peter Muriithi- Mother in Law

4. Best Actress

• Angel Waruinge- Tahidi High
• Nice Githinji- Guy Centre
• Elizabeth Wanjiru Bageine- Mother in Law
• Renee Sewe- Changes

5. Best Performance in a Comedy

• Kenneth Gichoya- Papa Shirandula
• Hiram Mungai- Vioja Mahakamani
• Mathayo Keya- Vioja Mahakamani
• Davis Mwabili- Inspekta Mwala

6. Best Talk Show

• Agenda Kenya
• Capital Talk
• Sebuleni
• The Woman’s Show

7. Best TV Script

• Cajetan Boy- The Team
• Hillary Ng’weno- Makers of a Nation
• Makutano Junction team of writers- Makutano Junction
• Changes team of writers- Changes

8. Best TV Host

• Daniel Ndambuki- Top Comic
• Jeff Koinange- Capital Talk
• Jimmi Gathu- How to be Rich
• Carole Mandi- Sebuleni

9. Best Documentary

• Headlines in History
• Kikulacho
• Makers of a Nation
• Making of a Constitution

10. Best Student Film

• Campus Connect
• Lumbasi
• The Shoe
• Twists and Turns

11. Best Student Documentary
• Chang’aa
• Forgotten
• The Questionable Mark
• Slow Killer

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