
Friday, September 26, 2008

Admiral T and Jua Cali concert

to mark the French Presidency of the European Union
4th October from 12pm onwards
at Uhuru Park, ENTRANCE FREE
Alliance Française in association with the Embassy of France, the Delegation of the Europeon Commission in Nairobi, the Embassies of Austria and Finland and the Department of Culture will be presenting an open air free concert on 4th October at Uhuru Park to celebrate unity in cultural diversity across Kenya and across Europe and Kenya.
The concert is one of the principal activities being organized in this quarter to mark the French Presidency of the European Union.  It brings together artists, bridging language and culture through the universally loved art form of music.
The other activities include:
- a poster exhibition entitled ‘European Aeronautics - behind the scene’, showing technology developed by the European Aeronautic Defence Space Company (EADS) (October 2008)
- an interactive, interesting and educative exhibition on aircrafts: presenting  scientific and technical progress in the field of aeronautics from the great men to the great moments that have marked  its history.  The exhibition has been realized with the support of AIRBUS.  Through simulators, the visitors will be exposed to first-hand experience behind the controls and behind the scenes of both flying an aircraft and building an aircraft and the secrets of aerodynamics. (November)
- a Europe-Kenya cultural dialogue week with presentations and exchanges between European partners present in Kenya and Kenyan artists, cultural operators and national authorities in charge of culture and heritage to share best practices in the field of arts, culture and development and to create a favorable environment for artistic and cultural innovation.  (November)
The concert ‘Ulaya na Kenya Umoja Katika Wingi’ aims to:
·     celebrate unity in our diversity
·     promote exchanges between Kenyan, European and international artists (with the participation of an Austrian Hip Hop group ‘Texta’, the Finnish folk music group, Viola, and the French/West Indian dance hall reggae group ‘Admiral T’)
·     continue contributing to peace building efforts in Kenya, helping to build positive relationships among Kenyan sacross the different communities, through the Spotlight on Kenyan Music project and through the national tour, a first of its kind in Kenya, which has already travelled to Nakuru, Eldoret, Kisumu, Kakamega, Nyeri, Meru, Machakos and Mombasa, with the grand finale taking place on 4th October at Uhuru Park
·     create opportunities for the development of the careers of Kenyan artists, creating an enabling environment for income generation through their art.
·           raise interest and appreciation among the Kenyan population for authentic local music which will in turn generate a market for local music.
The event will feature acrobats, dancers, traditional/folk artists, contemporary urban musicians, afro-fusion artists and reggae musicians, offering a piece of action for the whole family from the younger to the older generation.
The line-up includes Zamzuka acrobats, Kunja Dancers, Finnish fom music group ‘Viola’, Kenyan ‘Radi Cultural Troupe’, Kenyan-Austrian hip-hop artists: Ukoo Flani and Texta, afro-fusion group ‘Yunasi’ (winner of  BBC World Service’s ‘Next Big  Thing  2007 compeititon), and a selection of the Spotlight finalists including Alai K, Juma Tutu, Peter Wambugu, Makadem, Zippy Okoth and Benta Nyakoyugi, Kenyan Genge star Jua Cali and the French/West Indian dancehall/reggae artist, Admiral T.
Zamazuka Acrobats
The three versatile acrobatic  artists have recently returned form a two year contract in the United States of America, performing at the Great Adventure Park in New Jersey.  The acrobats will not fail to amaze and entertain the spectators with their daring acrobatic skills.
Kunja  Dancers
Youthful dancers from Kunja Dance Company in a dance show ‘Piga Kelele’, which is an explosion of dance, music, acrobatics and song - a clebration of lifewhere the beat of the drum heals the ills of the mind and cures the very soul.
Finnish folk music group ‘Viola’
Classical and folk music from Finland by the group ‘Viola’ who will also be conducting workshops at Starehe Boys and Girls schools.
‘Radi Cultural Troupe’
East African  traditional and folk music and dance will be showcased by the Radi Cultural Troupe whose mission is to preserve and promote East African’s intangible heritage through their performances.
‘Ukoo Flani’
Ukoo Flani, founded in Mombasa in 1996, has been described as a revolutionary hip-hop movement led by thirteen self-proclaimed soldiers who use hip-hop music as a tool to wage war against social injustice and inequality in their native Kenya.  Going back to the old centuries, Africans used poetry, song, and story-telling to educate and inform the youth about culture, tradition, and history. Ukoo Flani continue to honour the traditiions of their ancestors using contemporary urban music that catches the ear of today’s youth.
Austrian hip hop group ‘Texta’
Three leading Ukoo Flani members: Alai K, Richizee and Cannibal will team up with the Austrian hip hop group ‘Texta’ in a hip hop artistic encounter showing the best of urban sounds from Austria and Kenya.
In 2004, YUNASI developed a unique East African music style called SESUBE which is a combination of sega, isikuti and benga. It takes sounds and inspirations from local Kenyan communities, cultural styles and languages and fuses those sounds with a European component. The sound is achieved by playing a variety of instruments, both traditional and modern.  Yunasi have several accolades to their credit including the BBC World Service’s 2007 Next Big Thing, winner of the  prestigious US International Songwriting Contest for the song JI OPOGORE (The Difference of People) obtaining third-place in the World Music category out of 16,000 entries from all over the world, winner of the 2004 Kisima Award for the best afro-fusion band in Kenya andnominated for an all-African Kora award in South Africa in 2003.
‘Spotlight on Kenyan Music’
In 2005, Alliance Française, with the support of the Embassy of France and Total Kenya Ltd launched the ambitious ‘Spotlight on Kenyan Music’ programme in 2005 to nurture the development of authentic Kenyan afro-fusion music across the country. The project aims to identify talents at the grass-roots level whose music and style fall within the broad remit of afro-fusion and provide them with tiered support to help develop their musical abilities.  The tiered support includes professional rehearsals, live performances and exposure, capacity building, opportunities and incentives for individual career development.  To date, 3 Spotlight albums have been launched (2005, 2006, 2007) and  recording for the forth album is on now.  33 musicians have benefit from this exposure.  A national tour of a selection of  if spotlight artists took place in August/September this year, a first ever music tour of Kenya musicians, crisscrossing the country, and the grand finale will take place at Uhuru Park on 4th October.
The musicians ‘Zippy Okoth’, ‘Benta Nyakuyogi’, ‘Alai K’, ‘Juma Tutu’, ‘Makadem’ and ‘Peter Wambugu’ will be backed by the Mwangaza Music Machine made up of ‘Dave Otieno’ (lead guitar), ‘Shadrack Makau’ (keyboards), ‘Eric Mwangi’ (percussions), ‘Marvin Maveke’ (drums), ‘Kombo Chokwe’ (bass guitar).  Together the musicians will showcase a panorama of Kenya’s musical heritage tozouk, benga, rhumba, taarab, ohangla and jazz rhythms.
Jua Cali
Jua Cali is Kenay’s leading genge/kapuka musician. He formed Calif Records with producer Clemo in 2000 with the original intention  to produce artistes, however once Jua Cali took up the mic himself there was no turning back.. Jua Cali is an influential musician nominated for British Music of Black Origin (MOBO) Awards and the MTV Europe Music Awards, both in 2007.  His hits include ‘Ruka’, Nkipotea Tena’....
The name Jua Cali comes from his estate in Nairobi called California. It is also the inspiration behind Calif Records.
Admiral T
King of the French West Indies Reggae - Dancehall scene and promoter of Creole Culture, Admiral T (Christy Campbell) was born and raised among his ten brothers and sisters in Boissard, one of Guadeloupe island’s roughest ghettos, in the French West Indies. At 16, he integrated the local Karukera Sound System where he nourished his unique “jive” incorporating a strong dose of Caribbean influences like Zouk, Gwo Ka (traditional French Caribbean Drums), Soca, Salsa and of course Reggae.
In 2003, Admiral T. started a solo career and released his first album “Mozaïk Kréyòl” (Creole Mosaic), which quickly became a hit in the West Indies and in Europe, especially in France.
In 2005, he was the leading character in the movie “Neg’Marron” (during slavery times, the name “Neg’marron” was given to the run-away slaves who hid and lived in the remote mountainous areas of the colonised islands) and, the year after, Admiral T. released a second album, “Toucher l’Horizon” (Touching the Horizon) which confirmed his Dancehall expertise and political engagement for the “Karaïb Kultur” acknowledgement.  Admiral T is not only a pivotal artist in his native West Indies but commands great notoriety in France and is likened to the legendary “Godfathers of Zouk” (who largely influenced his becoming): the band called Kassav.

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