
Friday, September 26, 2008

Can Muki Garang’s shoes fit Kimya?

Last Saturday 20th September 2008 at the British Council during
WAPI, a failed frustrated rapper by the name of Kimya, decided to
escalate his fake ass death threats once again to both Muki
Garang and Mwafrika. You all know him as Bamboo's
brother.who never changes clothes and wears, a dirty fake
bullet proof vest.

This time round he was not in the
studio making the threats, he was
on stage at WAPI. He bit more
than he could chew, a terrible
mistake that almost cost him his life and his friends’. This incident occurred during
his performance with the Ukoo Fulani Outfit. Kimya's first words were "Fuck
Mwafrika & Muki Garang .. they are all P*&#Y....i will kill....." Before he could
complete his statement an angry crowd charged forward determined to put an
end to Kimya's juvenile delinquency. It is not clear if Sharama of Ukoo Fulani made
any comments against Mwafrika but I understand he was cornered by irate
revelers together with Hiphop fiends and all he could manage to spit out was "Si
mimi, si mimi" –"Its not me, its not me."

One MC from the crowd couldn’t hide his shock in a telephone conversation, when
he asked me "I thought these cats were gangstas!? cops & GSUs had to give them
protection as they were whisked away in a police van.I thought "Gangstas" roll in
packs with guns...?”

The angry crowd brought the function to a halt around 4:00 pm, in protest of
Kimya's misdemeanor. As Law enforcement officers kept vigil within the premise in
an attempt to control the chaos. The event management watched helplessly as the
crowd lost control.

On a telephone conversation with Muki Garang this is what he had to say;

“I would like to appeal for calm from our violated fans, supporters and friends. I
understand the reason for expressing your dissent; however we have to practice
extreme calm in these trying moments.
Please do not give up, Mwafrika & I are contributing towards the culture & society.
Kimya, your quest for fame has blinded you. In addition you are not a gangster,
you are a broke delusional Nairobi rapper. Kindly find it in your capacity to attend
the next HIPHOP PARLIAMENT session to redeem yourself. You have finally
received airtime from me now you are famous.”

Written by,
Kavi Mareechi

Kavi Mareechi is a linguist expert from the University of Newyork. He embarked on
a research across the African Continent to establish his African identity. Kavi is
currently completing his book “Half Indian & Fully Black, in a boardroom meeting.”

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