
Friday, February 4, 2011


The MP for Gichugu Martha Karua has pledged her support for Emmanuel Jal’s We Want Peace (WWP) campaign. She recorded her bit at the Click Track Studios, Nairobi on February 4, 2011. “This is a positive campaign and any serious leader would embrace it,” she said enthusiastically.
Martha an ardent user of the social media, said she was approached by Jal through Facebook.

On accepting his request, they had fruitful discussions. She recorded her contribution under the guidance of Juliani, a popular gospel artist. The video recording is set to take place some time in April. Yes, she wrote her own verse, and yes, it had the appropriate sheng and slang words, thank you.

In 2011, WWP announced its latest transition focusing on tribalism. Other leaders who have pledged their support to the noble cause include Prime Minister Raila Odinga, businessman, Jimnah Mbaru and Sudanese SPLM leader Yasir Arman.
As a presidential aspirant, Martha hopes to garner support nationwide, and her role in the campaign will give her much needed national appeal.

Launched in December 2010, the WWP campaign has received high profile endorsement from international celebrity musicians, politicians and businessmen, including Alicia Keys, George Clooney, Kofi Annan, Peter Gabriel and Richard Branson, all of whom feature in Jal's epic We Want Peace music video.
Spearheaded by global hip hop sensation, actor, author and activist Emmanuel Jal, WWP has made a memorable mark in many parts of East Africa and the world, with the popular sing along debut, also titled, We Want Peace.

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