
Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Author and professor Ngugi Wa Thiongo will be taking part in the exhibition in America called Never Again, of photos taken during the post poll violence by CNN photojournalist of the year award winner Boniface Mwangi. This will take place in Rutgers University (New Brunswick, New Jersey) at The Center for African Studies (CAS) from February 14 to 28.
Ngugi who recently launched his childhood memoir Dreams in Times of War, is particularly pertinent to the theme of this exhibition. He be joined by another distinguished scholar, Gabriele Schwab, Chancellor's Professor of Comparative Literature at the University of California at Irvine, is currently completing Haunting Legacies her latest book on trauma and healing.
Boniface who will be leaving for the States on Saturday February 11 said, “I will engage in conversation with scholars, students and the American public about the subject of the exhibition. CAS also plans to have two distinguished speakers at the launching of the exhibition who will make presentation on the theme of Violence and Healing.
Never Again is a collection of my work that captures the tragic moment of ethnic violence in Kenya in the immediate aftermath of the 2007 Presidential Elections.”
Over a period of close to three months, over half a million Kenyans were displaced and nearly two thousand people were reported to have lost their lives in the violence. Guided by the adage that “a picture is worth a million words” this collection of forty photographs captures the multifarious effects of this tumultuous period on the lives of average Kenyans.
The exhibition will be accompanied by the showing of the production “Heal the Nation,” a 30 minutes documentary providing eyewitness accounts of the tragedy that befell Kenyans in 2007-2008. New Jersey and its bordering state of New York have one of the highest concentrations of Diaspora Kenyans in the USA.

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