
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Jitu’s Banned Movie Now Showing in Rwanda

The Kenyan horror film “OTTO the Blood Bath” banned in the country will premiered later this month at the Rwanda Film Festival ( Just to remind you “OTTO the Blood Bath” was banned by Kenya Film Cencorship Board that deemed it “Too Horrific even to an adult…” and “…contains too much blood and dead bodies”.
Anyho, other Jitu Films; Mob Doc, R2 Security and Zeinabu Rudi Nyumbani will also be screened in Kigali, as well. The festival will take place between June 18 and 26. All Jitu films will get two screenings. For OTTO June 20 will be it’s World Premier.
Here are the dates of the screenings:

MOB DOC: 19 & 22/06
R2 Security: 21 & 23/06
Zeinabu Rudi Nyumbani: 21 &22/06
OTTO the Blood Bath: 20 & 23/06

All four Jitu Films also participating at the award competition for the Best East African Film that will be held in Kigali on the 26th of June. This is just a day before the Kenyan Kalasha Awards that will be held on the 27th of June where “Zeinabu Rudi Nyumbani” is nominated for the best short film award.

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