
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Storymoja’s Hay Festival Calling For Your Stories

The Storymoja Hay Festival, a partnership between Storymoja and the Hay Festival in the UK, is round the corner and we have preliminary events planned one of which is the storytelling competitions:

We are currently approaching Unis, colleges and high schools with invitations to participate in this years storytelling competitions whose theme is 'Mordern Life' . The competitions will be held between June 8 and 13 July 2009. At the institution's competitions, the winners will get Sh2000 and a Storymoja publication while the runner up will get Sh1000 and a Storymoja publication. During the finals at the Storymoja Hay Festival, the winner will get Sh10,000 and a trip to the UK for the 2010 Hay Festival while the runner up will get Sh5,000.

Due to the number of oral narrative kind of stories we got during last year's competition, we will be very strict on the quality of stories this year. The stories, which are expected to be only 7min long will be judged by their creativity, originality and relation to the theme. We want stories about life as it is today.

This competition, which threw Eric Omondi to the limelight seeks to reintroduce reading to students in a fun and fashionable way, we intend to re-brand the world of words and books through storytelling.

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