
Thursday, May 14, 2009

Extra! Extra! Tell Everyone About It

JUNE 15 – 28, 2009
Kenyatta National Hospital in collaboration with AMREF will be holding a free medical camp for women unable to control urine or Stool e.g. Vesico-Vaginal Fistula (VVF), Recto-Vaginal Fistula (RVF).
Screening date on June 12, 2009 at Clinic 66 (Gynaecology clinic) Kenyatta National Hospital.
Walk on June 13, 2009 – Starting at 9 am from Kenyatta National Hospital
For further information contact the following:

KNH – 2726300 Ext. 43121/43660
AMREF – 6994000
0722-789794 – Sr. Margaret
0734-770775 – Sr. Juliette
0721-242347 – Dr. Khisa

What is – VVF and RVF?

VVF is an abnormal communication/connection between the urinary bladder and vagina while RVF, is an abnormal communication between the rectum and the vagina.

Patients who have VVF and/or RVF leak urine or stool or both continuously and they cannot stop it. They smell of urine or stool all the time.

Usually during a difficult childbirth a woman gets injured in her private parts. If the injury involves the urinary bladder or rectum, a hole may develop between the bladder/rectum and vagina which leaks urine and/or stool continuously.

A free medical camp will be held on June 15th- 28th 2009 at KNH to help patients with these conditions.

For more information call:
KNH: 2726300 AMREF: 6994000

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