
Thursday, May 14, 2009

Kenya’s First Horror Film Banned!

The first and greatest Kenyan Horror film to be made has been deemed by the Kenyan Censorship board as “too Horrific, even for an Adult".
JITU Films production of "OTTO, The Bloodbath" will never be seen by Kenyan audiences thanks to the fright it gave the Kenyan Censorship Board members who were privy to it’s first viewing. Apparently, they left the screening room "crying for light and screaming for security as they realised that they could not allow any adult to experience the nerve shattering horror that had left them quaking." - So I hear!

Well, the movie is about Old man OTTO who secretly dabbles in dark arts in his hidden shrine. On his deathbed he instructs his family on how he would like to be buried but they don’t take heed of them when the old man OTTO passes on.

That is when isshhh hit the fan.

Things... strange things begin to happen. OTTO with the help of his unknown accomplice rises from the ground in a series of spectacular special effects, rising like a demonic underground bat and in a series of horrifying encounters OTTO slowly and painfully sends his cruel family detractors to their doom – or if you like to hell.

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