
Thursday, May 14, 2009

Kisima Awards: Situma Calls It Quits

Jonas Situma in a grey shirt pictured with John Katana (far left) of the Uyoga Band, and Kiss 100 radio presenter Shaffie Weru at the very end in a red Tee (with Obama on it).

Jones Situma, is now the ex-Head Of Public Relations and Logistics for Kenya's Kisima Awards.
Situma tendered in his resignation on May 11. It is not clear why he quit but this is what his resignation letter read: “It’s been over five years of growing the brand and building a systematic professional structure which will be used to run all the future awards schemes and I am proud and grateful for the support you have accorded to me to facilitate an easy working relationship. I leave behind a solid team and assure you of continuity in offering advice and guidance as provided for by the Kisima Music Awards advisory board.
Thank you for the confidence, trust and relationship we have established between us personally and on behalf of our organization.”
It was addressed to The Patron (Kisima Music Awards) Mr Steve Ogesa and the CEO (Kisima Music Awards) Mr Victor Mayeya.
Sad Ha?

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