
Sunday, May 17, 2009

Jitu Films Arise After Their Horror Film Is Banned!

After the dashing news of “OTTO: The blood bath” ban by the Kenyan Film Censorship Board (KFCB), Jitu Films, the film company that was slapped with the ban have received some good news on another movie they produced.
The romantic tearjerker film “ZEINABU RUDI NYUMBANI” was nominated for the best short film award in the Kalasha Awards. According to a statement sent out to news rooms, they mention the fact that one government body “is banning us and the other is recognizing and promoting our efforts!”
Anyho, ZEINABU RUDI NYUMBANI is Jitu’s top selling film (followed very close by R2 Security and Mob Doc) and amongst others is featuring Eric Wainaina, as himself!
The movie is about DEDAN (Joseph Kamau Kinuthia) and ZEINABU (Josephine Kamwenga) who are happily married, and live a bucolic and simple life on the countryside. But when city man KAVILA (Morris Mwadulo) arrives, asking for help with his broken-down car, he sets about seducing ZEINABU. Initially she resists but when her husband takes her for granted, ZEINABU decides to leave home with KAVILA. Jackie Nyaminde (Who plays Papa Shirandula’s wife) is also appearing as Kavila’s evil mother!
Jitu Films is asking for your support in the soon to be opened voting process on

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