
Sunday, May 31, 2009

Najma is single, peoples!

The hottie who reads your morning news every single day on Classic 105 and Kiss 100 is single. Najma Ishmael has separated from her hubby of 4 years after the marriage was called off a few months ago.
The breakfast newsreader is also the voice in the YU prompts, you know like when you call someone and they are Mteja? That voice. That is the one I mean.
Anyho, Najma confirmed the breakup saying, “I want to concentrate on my sweet daughter, Naela and live my life. For now I plan on having fun, the rest will follow.”

Revisioning Kenya

Afrodizzia night comes to town

The TV music show, Afrodizzia which showcases the music of Youssou Ndour, Salif Keita, Papa Wemba, Amr Diab, Eric Wainaina, Oliver Mtukudzi, Lucky Dube, Tshala Muana, Miriam Makeba, Meiway, Fally Ipupa, Suzana Owiyo, Hugh Masekela, Femi Kuti among others will be staging a monthly live show.
Club Afrique will be the home of the inaugural Afrodizzia Night starting this Friday and every last Friday of the month.
The night is modelled along the hugely popular Afrodizzia TV programme that showcases Africa’s top musical talents. It will feature music videos, a mix of the finest music from across the African continent by Soundafrica DJs, and live performance by the legendary Super Mazembe and Gogo Simo bands.
“We want to give lovers of true African music a chance to enjoy classic and original African music that receives little airplay on Kenyan radio and TV although it is immensely popular,” says Vicky Wakio, Soundafrica’s event manager.
Advance tickets are available at Nature Music Store, 20th Century, and Sound Africa offices, for Sh300.

Photographer Boniface Mwangi banned by Facebook

The first Kenyan photojournalist to win the CNN Multichoice Journalist Award has been banned by social networking site Facebook. Boniface Mwangi who won the CNN Africa Photojournalist of the Year 2008 is starting up a new Facebook profile after his was deleted last week due to his radical status updates.
Commenting on the issue he said, “I was removed from Facebook due to controversial updates calling for political change and the youth to stop hero worshiping tribal leaders who have messed up our country.” One of his last comments before his profile was deleted was “Kenyans elect criminals to parliament all you need is money to get elected.” He had over 1,500 friends.
Boniface is known for his crusade against tribal politics. “I see myself as a visual artist using photography as the vehicle for social change in my country, which has experienced a lot of impunity, the latest manifestation being 2007 December’s political convulsions that left over 1,000 dead and half a million displaced.”
Boniface’s post poll chaos photos have been published in The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Sunday Times, International Herald Tribune and BBC Focus on Africa Magazine among other publications. Facebook has meanwhile declined to take down several Holocaust denial sites known for their anti- Semitic statements.

Hemedi and ‘in-laws’ clash over girlfriend

Reality show bad boy Hemedi Suleiman recently revealed the reason for his split with his baby mama. In an exclusive interview with Word Is he revealed, “As soon as I returned home from the Academy, I was expecting my girlfriend to be waiting for me at the airport, to support me, you know. But I did not see her. So when I called her to ask why she was not there, she told me it is over and if I wanted to know more I needed to talk to her parents. So I called her mum and she told me to stay away from he daughter or else. So I moved on, now I’m all alone, single and doing my thing.”
Despite his heartache, Hemedi hasn’t given up love, on quest for the one, he is looking for ‘someone who is willing to be with me and who has mad love for me.’

Victor Seii opens recording label

Former Tusker Project Fame 1and 11 teacher has set up his own music label. Modern World Music is label name and according to Victor, Modern World Music was born out of the need to establish a record company who’s emphasis is on quality, musical integrity and meeting the needs of the recording artists it signs up. The vision of Modern World Music is to be an internationally recognized premier record company in East Africa in one year and the premier record company in Africa in three years.
The first artist signed on by Modern World Music is Harry Kimani, who is currently working on his new album, due out in October this year.

Leo Faya headed back home

Former radio presenter Leo Faya is making a beeline back to Kenya, after living in Northern California for two years.
Leo is remembered for his radio coupling with Classic 105 presenter Marcus Kwikiriza back in the days when they worked at Capital FM. He is also a member of Blackstar DJs and is all set to rejoin the team.
Leo will be part of Blackstar’s bid to expand their TV show ideas. Currently, the DJ unit produces Saturday’s Rush Live on NTV as well as the upcoming second season of Wakilisha, which starts in June in the same station every Saturday at 7:30pm.

Calif Records to open radio station

Calif Records are hatching plans to set up a community radio station. The record labels’ PR rep Thomas Muhondo said, “This is a reaction to the much needed much-needed platform for local music. We are providing one which will feature strictly local content.”
However nothing is ready yet, “ We don’t have a time line yet because of the bureaucracy that goes into getting a frequency and the licence. We are doing community radio as something national would demand a huge investment. However, with time that will be the eventual plan.”

Lupita Nyongo’s take on her docu-film

Lupita says, “I embarked on this documentary as a way to educate myself and others like me on the condition of albinism and to shed light on the stigma, discrimination and persecution that they face because of their difference. It is alarming that this special condition that exists in every race and civilization of human beings – and indeed in most animal species – should be so hyper-visible and yet so socially invisible (In my research I could not find any traditional stories with people with albinism as characters, for example).
My goal in making this film was therefore to tell the story behind the silence. I chose to focus on the personal and intimate experiences of people with albinism who had overcome the great social odds, in order to add to the plethora of positive cultural stories that they have been excluded from for so long. The 8 people I chose represent people with albinism from different socio-cultural and economic backgrounds, who, though they all have very distinct experiences and opinions, are all united in their embracing of themselves. I wanted to capture the spirit of individuals who have persevered in the face of great hostility and harm. Agnes is the natural main character of the documentary, the epitome of endurance and enthusiasm despite all the drawbacks and persecution in her life. I knew the moment I met her that her story would carry more than the message of albinism awareness: Agnes’ story stands for the embracing of one’s self and therefore human diversity.”

The film is on sale for Sh1,500 and is available at Books First Westgate.

All About Lupita Nyong'o's Docu-Film

CK and Delphine, Twin Sisters

In My Genes Movie Poster

Agnes Muthakye and the family she always longed for

James and Pamela look at their first child

IN MY GENES is the eye-opening story of vision, violence and the value of human difference set in Kenya’s vibrant capital city, Nairobi and her environs. Shot in 2006, before the news of the rampant murders of albinos in Tanzania, the film is both heartrending and invigorating in tone.

Albinism, the inherited genetic condition that causes little or no pigmentation in the eyes, skin or hair, has been wrought with misunderstanding among many African communities, and Kenya is no exception. Being a person with albinism comes with constant stares, stigma, stereotypes, and discrimination. Some common misconceptions are that children with albinism are products of affairs with white men, that the condition is contagious, affects the brain development of the individual and, most traditionally, that they are a curse or a bad omen. While IN MY GENES addresses these misconceptions, this is not another “Oh-Poor-Africa” documentary. The stories are an affirmation of what individuals under great persecution can make of themselves and what they can then inspire and challenge in us. It is a film of such effortless intimacy, subtle glimpses and honest examination.

We experience what it is like to be “white” in a “black” society through the uplifting story of Agnes Muthakye, a woman, who at first glance may not seem like someone with much to laugh about. For one thing, she has albinism-- a lack of pigment in the skin and eyes-- and her appearance has provoked prejudice from family, friends and strangers since she was born. Agnes is also blind and as a woman of few means, she heads a household of 7 children, her 17-year-old daughter expecting another, by weaving traditional kyondoo baskets and knitting sweaters for sale. But despite all odds, Agnes refuses to lead a life of sorrow. She invites us into her life as she constructs a kyondoo over the course of a week. During this time, Agnes discovers the real reason why she is the way she is, and why she lost her eyesight. Yet Agnes keeps going, trusting in the work of her hands and the strength of her God. The threads of the woolen basket she weaves become a poignant metaphor of the need to reconstruct our human ties and the importance of solidarity.

Interviews with seven other individuals inter-cut Agnes’ narrative to share their unique experiences of living with albinism. CK, an energetic, eloquent and witty person with albinism grew up alongside a dark-skinned twin sister (a reported very rare occurrence for only one twin to be a person with albinism). She shares the surprising perks of being a person with albinism, including receiving preferential treatment from her parents, and yet, also the destruction of her dreams from traumatizing childhood experiences. James is expecting a baby with his dark-skinned wife, Pamela, any day soon. He tells us of what courting a dark-skinned girl was like and they share their hopes and fears should they have a child with albinism. Mwaura, a politician, Alex and Grace, educators, Benedict, a leather artisan, and Wycliffe, a medical student, all help bring alive a compelling and complex experience that charmingly tackles questions about the effects of their condition on aspects of their childhood, adolescence, sexuality, race, and dreams.

In Kenya, statistics of the occurring frequency of albinism are not available, as little national attention has been paid specifically to this condition. However in some parts of Africa, where studies have been done, albinism is estimated to affect as many as one in every 1,000 people. This is indication that people with albinism do make up a considerable number of our population. The film is filled with facts about the condition and acts as a powerful introduction to understanding the condition.

This film is inspiring, informative, and disturbing. The images are unforgettable, and the stories resonate reminding us of what it means to be human, what it means to love. IN MY GENES celebrates the resilience and vibrancy of people who sorely stand out from the crowd and manage to teach the world a thing or two about transforming perceived weakness into strength in the process.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Danny Glover for Tanzanian Film Festival

American actor Danny Glover will be attending the 2009 Zanzibar International Film Festival (ZIFF). His film "Toussant" will open this year’s festival.
Glover who is best known for his role in 'Lethal Weapon' sequels as Detective Roger Murtaugh will be joined by other stars like Charles Burnett, star of the expected hit "Namibia", and Mexican acting sensation Gael Bernal Garcia.

They Say Chameleone Isn’t Out Of Danger…Yet

Sections of the Ugandan press claim that Jose Chameleone medical troubles are still looming large. They claim that medical experts have warned him against wearing closed shoes. The singer broke both his legs in a mysterious ‘sleep walking’ saga in a hotel in Arusha a few months back. Worst still, the tabloid claims that a doctor sent Chameleone’s wife, Daniela Atim a text message stating that the hubby would die soon.
The message read: ‘I’m really sorry your husband won’t live to see his beautiful kids grow. 
He either tons down (on his energetic stage performances) or he will die.’
They then even quote a lip readers who says that Daniella whispered into Chameleone’s ear (during a past concert) that: 
“Can’t you think about your kids for a moment?”.

That is like the biggest bull cr*p I have ever read. Hooooooly cow!
What do you think?

Aaron ‘Krucial Keys’ Rimbui launches his album

Maestro pianist, Aaron "Krucial" Rimbui will be launching his sophomore album Alfajiri on June Friday 5 at the Mavuno Dome.
The album features guest artistes like Eric Wainaina, Kanjii Mbugua and Atemi.
Aaron has embraced one of the most innovative and enduring musical styles the world over. He has embraced the sound that is Jazz.
In 2005, he released his first album Keys of Life -an exceptional jazz album with elements of world music and a tinge of benga-fusion. Having incorporated noted vocalists Eric Wainaina and Mercy Myra, this album went on to become one of the standout albums of the year.
Executive produced by Joseph Hellon for "The People Music Group" this recording testifies to Aaron's growing stature on the playing and composing fronts.
The gate charges are Sh 1,200 and advance tickets are Sh 1000 which you can buy from the Nu Metro Media Stores, Kijiji Records, Mavuno Church.
The concert starts at 8pm.

Baby Gangsta to launch album in Denmark!

Kenya’s female rapper Baby Gangsta plans on launching her maiden album away from home, in Denmark. Her hubby, Abbas Kubaff revealed that she would be launching her album in Denmark first before she does it in Kenya. Because, “She has her own market over there so she will launch it there and then do it in Kenya a little later.”

Welcome To The Hip-Hop Lounge

There is a new gig in town. Spark Movement, DJ Low Key and 2 Big Records present Hip-Hop Lounge at Secrets Lounge every Saturday. Starting May 30, hip hop enthusiast can enjoy an evening of pure hip-hop, dinner and style for only Sh300. One other thing, ladies, I hear that this is a show where scrubs won’t be showing up.

Onyi Papa J arrested

Ohangla maestro Onyi Papa J is quickly earning the bad boy label. This past Monday night, Papa J was arrested. According to Kisumu Officer Commanding Police Division (OCPD) Simon Kiragu, Papa J threatened his landlord with a machete over undisclosed issues. This happened in Migosi estate in Kisumu. Apparently Papa J is reported to have chased his landlord around the estate around before he was arrested at around midnight.
After which he spent the night in the police cells.

Is Congolese singer dating Olivia of G Unit?

The first lady of G Unit, Olivia is rumoured to be dating Congolese singer Fally Ipupa. In an online post dated February this year, Fally is reported to have meet American rapper Olivia in New York where he was on brief visit to the city. Fally is known for blending his lingala beats with African percussions. In his earlier career, he was in a backup singer in Werra Son’s band.
The only proof this is real is a grainy picture of the two, which was most likely taken with a camera phone.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Channel O’s Emcee Africa auditions are on!

If you’re in possession of some superior freestyle, battling and performance skills and live in Kenya then be sure to take part in the Channel O Emcee Africa II auditions.

These take place on Saturday 6 June at Club Clique [Baricho Road] in Nairobi and the judges on the day will be Mwafrika from Ghetto Radio, Nazizi and Abass (Doobeez) with G Money from Homeboyz Radio joining regular Emcee Africa II host, Lee Kasumba in overseeing the event.

Registration takes place from 8:00am and auditions begin at 13:00 with all Emcee Africa II wannabes urged to be on time if they want to secure a place in the line-up. The heat event kicks off at 21:00 until late.

Aside from bringing top-drawer freestyle, battling and performance skills, entrants must also bring a self-penned piece with them which they will adapt to the beats provided by Emcee Africa II organisers.

Emcee Africa II is intent on finding talented men AND women who have what it takes to become Africa’s number one Emcee. This leaves the field open for anyone to win the $10 000, 00 prize money AND jump on the hottest track of ’09 by collaborating with African Hip Hop Royalty.

Five countries are taking part in Africa’s rawest hip-hop talent competition - South Africa, Botswana, Nigeria, Ghana and Kenya will all be eyeing the ultimate crown during the 13-episode series.

Country eliminations will produce finalists from South Africa, Botswana, Nigeria, Ghana and Kenya and then the judges hand over to the public to choose – through online and SMS voting - just who will represent their country in the finals.

Keep checking for more information about Emcee Africa’s auditions and televised dates.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Blankets and Wine is back

Blankets and Wine VII is on Sunday, June at Tayiana Garden Spa and Stables from 1pm to 6:30 pm.
The following acts will be performing Pentamony, Muthoni Ndonga and Hellon.
For more info check out

Meet Mwana Falsafa

Everyone is on the net, check out Mwana FA on

Mdomo Baggy set for his own TV show

Radio and TV personality Mdomo Baggy is currently on set shooting A TV show called Baggy. So far Baggy has shot three episodes and he told Word Is: “The TV stations I have had talks with are very receptive and the response I’m getting is very good. But I’m not in a position to say on which station it will ultimately be aired.”
The show, Baggy explains, is about day-to-day Kenyan life, and takes advantage of our ability to laugh at our problems.
This news comes in the wake of the end of the successful first season of Churchill Live that aired on NTV. Baggy explains that his show’s idea was “supposed to be implemented and shot last year but I was caught up in the election campaigns.”


Akon is soon going to be the father of his sixth baby according to Ugandan media reports. The mother to be is Susan Owori, the younger sister of fashion designer and publisher, Sylvia Owori.
According to the reports, the Senegalese born singer is alleged to have enjoyed an intimate relationship with Susan, for a long time and this was made public after Akon’s visit to Uganda in May last year.
On his trip Akon looked smitten when he saw Susan waiting outside the Entebbe Airport VIP lounge where he was holding a press conference before his concert.
The reports suggest Susan and Akon have been close for a while now and have hung out in clubs from Dar to London. Owori reportedly flew to Atlanta at the invitation and expense of Akon. Meanwhile, Susan has been quoted telling close friends that the baby is Akon’s.
Meanwhile, the Kenyan PR Rep of the Owori’s, Angela Angweyi released a no comment statement.

Tim Njiru gets Aljazeera gig

Flamboyant TV personality, Tim Njiru has gotten himself another artsy gig on international News station. Tim is known for his stint on NTV’s Insync and KTN’s Art Scene. Now, he is set to carry the torch to the international media news station.
According to our source, “Tim will be working on a new documentary that will see him feature various aspects of art and sound of Kenya on Aljazeera.”
Our source added that, “his first feature will be on matatu culture followed by another on the Kenyan beach culture.” Tim refused to comment on the issue.

Sawa Sawa schedule of events

Sawa Sawa Festival is here again. This years the festival will be memorable occasion with an exciting and interactive program of activities; show casing the best in Kenyan and international entertainment within a safe and friendly environment. The Sawa Sawa Festival runs from 29th to 31st May 2009, a 3 day event based in and around The Sarakasi Dome, a recently renovated complex. The Dome houses East Africa’s biggest arts and culture training and performance facility and is home to Sarakasi Trust and Ghetto Radio. The Dome boasts a safe and sizeable parking and stylish bar, the Sawa Sawa Bar & Restaurant.

Please note that on Tuesday 26th May 2009 to Wednesday 27th May 2009, the following OUTREACH AND CAPACITY BUILDING activities will be taking place:

Tuesday 26th May 2009 : Sarakasi Trust are organising a one-day workshop.
Facilitated by: Ms. Renee Wilson (Singer, songwriter, actress in the Academy Award winning film Ray and in the stage performance of Dreamgirls - The Musical.
The Workshop
Where: Sarakasi Dome Ngara
Date: Tuesday 26 May 2009
Time: 10.30 a.m. to 4 pm
Content: Discussions about being an actor in Hollywood; footage from different productions; some light scene work; building believable characters; how to audition for commercials, theatre, film, etc.; question and answer session.
Who should come: Arts and Culture Journalists, Performers with advanced, beginning, or intermediate experience.
How many spaces: 30 pax

Tuesday 26th May 2009: Sarakasi Trust are facilitating community outreach to Korogocho, Dandora and Kibera Slums
Facilitated by: Dee Jay Trobulemaker, Ghetto Boys and Boom FM (Reggea dutch based radio station)
Outreach Workshop
Where: Korogocho, Dandora and Kibera Slums
Date: Tuesday 26 May 2009
Time: 10.30 a.m. to 4 pm
Content: Outreach, sharing experinces about the Ghetto, music, politcics, arts and culture, etc.; question and answer session.
Who should come: Journalists, youth, acrobats, dancers, musicians (beginning, or intermediate levels of experience.
How many spaces: As many as can make it
Contact person: Nancy Onyango – Sarakais mobile 0723734906

Wednesday 27th May 2009: Sarakasi Trust are organising a one-day music workshop particularly suited to Singers.
Facilitated by: Mr. Aron Rambui (Kenya’s famous Jazz mystro) and Ms. Renee Wilson
The Workshop
Where: Sarakasi Dome Ngara
Date: Wednesday 26 May 2009
Time: 1:00pm. to 4 pm
Content: Discussions about music african music in the Kenya context, in refrence to western styles of music, etc.; question and answer session.
Who should come: Arts and Culture Journalists, Musicians with advanced, beginning, or intermediate level of experience.
How many spaces: 30 pax

Dr Ring Ding for Kenyan show?

Guys, this is like top-secret isssh. You are not supposed to know this, but what the hell, why not?
Apparently, Dr. Ring-Ding will be performing in the city next month. Sources thisclose to the guy planning to bring him, claim that he will be performing at the Carnivore.
Dr Ring Ding, real name Richard Alexander Jung is a Jamaican singer famous for his lewd song – Which for the life of me I can’t remember the title – but it goes something like this. “I’m not a certified physician…” then there is part that goes like this, I think it’s the chorus, “I push it in, she push it out…”
Curentley, he is a presenter for WDR 5 and plays as a soloist for various bands including Kingston Kitchen. He also performs with El Bosso Und Die Ping Pongs at various shows in Germany.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Russian Ballet In Kenya

By popular request The Crown of Russian Ballet troupe will visit Kenya for the third time to stage five public concerts. These have been arranged by the Russian Embassy and the dancers have been flown by Qatar Airways from Moscow to Nairobi.

The first show was held at the Alliance Française on Wednesday May 20th at 7.00 p.m.

These are some of the pictures from the show.

The dancing troupe was at the Nyama Choma Ranch at the Safari Park Hotel and Casino, on Friday May 22nd at 7.00 p.m. and at 8.30 p.m. and Saturday May 23rd at 6.30 p.m. and at 8.00 p.m.
The Crown of Russian Ballet was founded in 1997 and consists of the best graduates of the Country’s ballet schools. The troupe’s first production was “Cross Winds” to Chopin’s music. This ballet continues to be performed by the troupe during visits around the world.

Post Election Violence Through The Lens

Boniface Mwangi, known to many as Bonny is 25 year-old Kenyan who has been
doing photography since 2005.
His book, The Price of Tribal Politics, is the story of Kenya’s post‑election violence through the lens of a photojournalist.
Mwangi has received several awards including The CNN Photo Journalist Award Of The Year 2008.
He has also worked as a stringer for the major wire agencies during the recent election violence in Kenya, Mwangi’s work has been published in The New York Times, The Washington
Post, The Sunday Times, International Herald Tribune, and BBC Focus in Africa Magazine.
Last year he won third prize in the World Health Organization photo contest in Images of Health and Disability 2007. His coverage for Kenya post election violence won him “Award of Excellence” America, Pictures of the Year International (POYi) and was short-listed for Sony World Photography Awards 2008
and Nominated for Joop World press Master Class in 2008 as one of the 132 finest and most promising young photographer from around the world.

TPF1's Magdaline Gets A Manager

Reality TV show princess, Magdaline Muckoya, who featured in last year’s TPF 11 is now working on an RnB-ish album which will be marketed by her entertainment company.
On Point Creative Entertainment Company has signed Magdaline to its label and will be in charge of managing and marketing her music.
The 22-year-old student of St Paul University in Limuru who recently had another TV stint on KTN's The Presenter is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in Communication degree.
Magdaline is a bonafide fan Mariah Carey and Tony Braxton.
On Point is owned by gospel DJ Soxxy, who early this month walked away with the Best DJ Of The Year Award at the Groove Awards.

I wish her all the best in her endeavours.


1. Why is it that urination is infectious? When you see me peeing, you suddenly also feel like doing it!

2. Why is a yawn always infectious?

3. Why do we duck when an insect hits the car windscreen, yet we know very well that it cannot get through?

4. Why don’t men mind when a beautiful lady coughs near them, yet take great offence when a fellow man does the same? (The germs are the same, silly!).

5. Why do men work out even harder in the gym when there are females around?

6. Why do Kenyans (unconsciously) tweng’ when talking to wazungus?

7. And why do workers in Indian shops on Biashara Street and Kirinyaga Road, imitate their bosses’ accents while talking to them?

8. How come tourists are just not able to dance to the beats of African music? (They are always dancing to the next song!).

9. Why do articles in the “gutter press” (alternative media) remind one of English compositions written by very average class 5 pupils?

10. Why are many Kenyans so scared of “tuning” celebs, yet some of them are really lonely?

11. Why is it that non-PSV traffic idiots (over-lappers) are mainly found in Eastlands?

12. Why is it that, before 6 am, the majority of private vehicles on Muthaiga and Gigiri roads in Nairobi, are sleek top-of-the-range 4x4s?

13. Why do men who are “doing their thing” at the urinal, suddenly realise that there is something very interesting in the ceiling?

By: Omija TB

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Girlfriends actress for Sawa Sawa Festival

Renee Wilson

The original cast of Girlfriends

The annual Sawa Sawa Festival is back this time from May 29 to 31. On Friday 29, at the VIP grand opening night, American Renee Wilson who has captured the attention of audience members from the runway, stage to film, will perform at the Sarakasi Dome alongside little known foreign acts. They are Omar Arreola, a Mexican musician based in California, Damien Horne who to his credit has opened for and performed with artists from every genre including Kid Rock, the Neville Brothers, Bon Jovi, Keith Urban and more.
Renee is a formally trained musician turned actress. Audiences will recognize her as the singer in Tim Bakers stage musical of Dreamgirls. She then made her television debut in the season finale episode on the TV sitcom Girlfriends. Her most visible role is that of Raylette Pat Lyle in the Academy Award winning film Ray, starring Regina King and Jamie Foxx.
During this red carpet event, Nina Ogot, Iddi Achieng and the Sarakasi Allstars will join them. The ticket charge for the Friday show will be Sh1, 000.
Unlike other years where the festival was held at Arboretum, this year, the three-day event will be based in and around The Sarakasi Dome, which is the recently renovated Shan Cinema in Ngara. On Saturday, a free outdoor urban multi-stage affair with hip hop performances at the WAPI British Council stage outside the Dome from 11am till 5pm; running concurrently will be the Dance Marathon, showcasing the best of Kenyan dance groups.

Does This look Anything Like Nick Odhiambo?

A fan sent this photo claiming that it is Classic 105-Drive presenter, Nick Odhiambo.
The photo has a male model who resembles a younger Nick, is dressed like a fashion victim in a checked pair of trousers, flowered shirt and light blue socks, with his hands thrown around the waist of the female model.
When called for comment, the boisterous radio personality laughed the resemblance off at first but the asked quietly: “Who leaked the photos?”

Whadya think? is it Nick?

Nazizi And Her Puppies

The first lady of hiphop, Nazizi has a passion for puppies. Here she is, outside The Loft on Museum Hill with her puppies.
This was during the MTVbase press meeting calling for artistes to submit their music videos.
Nazizi revealed that she gave one puppy called Picasso to Prezzo as a wedding present.

Nazizi and Wahu talk dog

Abbas: From one dog to another

Nazizi and her pup

Abbas, Wahu and Wairimu chat outside The Loft

At the press conference held on Tuesday, Zain’s corporate communications director Mike Okwiri, MTV Networks sales manager Lisa Amenya and singer Nameless urged the music industry players to hand in their videos to beat the June 30 deadline for the MTVbase Africa Music Awards.
This move was in a bid to ensure that the Kenyan acts have their music on circulation on MTVbase so that they have a better chance to get nominated for the MAMAs that will take place on October 20 at Kasarani as well as ensuring that the number of Kenyan acts that get nominated are higher that last year.