
Sunday, March 22, 2009

African Icons show to starts soon

Late last year we let you in on a yet to be released documentary film series from M-Net called Great Africans. On that show visionaries from the continents past and present such as Wangari Maathai, Julius Nyerere, Nelson Mandela, Haile Selassie and Patrice Lumumba would be seen being interviewed.
The series is now in the can and ready to air and will be screened starting April 5.
Wanuri Kahiu’s one-hour documentary profile of Nobel Peace Prize winner Dr. Wangari Maathai will be the first of the seven films to be aired. “It’s intimidating, I was really scared because I really want more than anything to be able to tell a beautiful story about Wangari Maathai. Something that will inspire people the same way I was inspired when I read her book,” Wanuri told us.
The other documentaries will be aired every Sunday as follows, Patrice Lumumba (April 12), Julius Nyerere (April19), Wole Soyinka (April 26), Thomas Sankara (May 3), Emperor Haile Selassie (May 10) and Nelson Mandela (May 17).

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