
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Caroline Mutoko’s updates from Geneva

Kiss100 breakfast show presenter Caroline Mutoko is travelling back to Nairobi at the end of the two-day Geneva conference called by Kofi Annan and reports on her experience in the Swiss city.
“The experience in Geneva has been sobering but also enlightening. Sobering because it’s so clear that we have a coalition government that is resistant to reform simply because implementing the reforms laid out in the national accord means a change in the status quo.
“Enlightening because it’s clear that Kenyans must push the political class forward. In fact, a member of the government delegation said, ‘It’s important that we remember that the political class will find it hard to begin reform if those reforms mean editing themselves out of the picture.’ Kenyans must find a way to work towards pushing the political class into reform.”
On a lighter note Caroline met AC Milan’s Philip Senderos and his team who were also staying at the Intercontinental on Monday. “I met them only in passing on the corridor. They were in their red-track suits and all speaking French or German. I didn’t know footballers have a workshop!”
The Standard’s News Editor Ben Agina managed to get snapped with the bald headed football star.

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