
Monday, March 30, 2009

An email from an irate Standard newspaper and KTN viewer

I recieved this email from a very irritated view of KTN and reader of Standard. read on and find out what they he/she is raving about.

The idea of helping the famine-striken families is good and we have no problem with that. What amuses us is how at the Standard Group, the project Mercy Train is a one man show.One man Paul Melly vice chairman. Just look at the Saturday Standard page 8 and 9. The man appears 7 times receiving donations. The other day he was on TV (KTN ofcourse) receiving a donations from some high school boys. One wonders whether Standard does not have other people to whom he can delegate the job. Does the Group have a Corporate Affairs head who cn do the job? That is how dictators are created or create themselves. They want to be the ones to do everything.
In the last few weeks we have seen him doing virtually everything on TV. He was the one presenting the Presenter, a show that he completely ruined. By the way what was Presenter. Didn't Melly hire all the three finalists, so what was it all about? Melly wanted it to look like The Apprentice but he has no drive for it, after all Standard Group is not his company.
There are stories going round Standard that the CEO Paul Wanyaga (who appears twice on page 8 and 9) has been pushed aside and is considering quitting. We saw it on the Presenter presentation evening when Wanyaga was called to give a speech only for Melly to take the mic and the man never spoke.
On the raid memorial day he was pushed to the back benches and never even invited to say a word. Imagine then that he is the Standard CEO.
No wonder we hear that the Group has decided to forcefully deduct 5% from every employees salary for the Melly Train. Ofcourse they will do it but that will be the last time their employees will trust them with their money. But that is Standard business. For now views and Standard readers are sick and tired of seing Melly's dental gap whenever they switch on their TVs or open the pages.

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