
Monday, April 6, 2009

Pick pocket racket in Nairobi matatu’s

This is a distress call from a victim of pick pocketing in the city.

In an email she wrote: Can the owner of matatu registration No KBC 955S – Maroon in colour - labelled Chopped and Screwed on the back window - plying the South B No. 11 route, be informed there is a very serious pick pocketing racket that goes on in that vehicle. I have heard several complaints about it and was a victim on Saturday afternoon. The young boys are already in the vehicle when people board it and are seated strategically on the isle seats forcing someone to squeeze past them to sit and when alighting. When getting off the vehicle, as one squeezes past the seated party, another blocks the isle causing slight confusion as they work on your handbag. I believe the entire staff are on cooperation with these boys and it will not be long before the residents do something about it.

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